Interior design blogs I LOVE!

One of the best parts of my job is getting to spend a couple of hours a week pottering through interior design websites and blogs to keep up with the latest trends, get inspired and a large dose of eye candy.  I love to get sneak peaks into the homes of the rich and famous, the fashionistas and the creatives. I love to see the far out award winning architectural designs to the very creative DIYers. It is amazing how you can start in one place and an hour later find yourself somewhere completely different!  Here is 5 of my favs of late. 


The Design Addicts Platform

This is a fantastic website overseen by Australian design addict Richard Misso that collects and writes articles from all over the globe.  It is a go to site for the interior design and architectural industry for the latest products, innovative design and beautiful homes.  It is contemporary, chic, professional, full of stunning photography and the very latest in trends. It is straight to the point and full to the brim with everything design. This particular home below is an absolute stunner!  See more of it here


Design Milk

One of the big hitters in the world of interior design blogs. A collection of great design finds from around the world.  They interview designers, do walk through's of very special houses and buildings, focus articles on things like minimalist design, art exhibitions in NYC and even a bit of food design!  I could be lost on there for hours!  Check out this amazing house with rotating rooms that can be changes with the seasons! 


Interiors Addict

Started by former journalist and magazine editor Jen Bishop, this a is less of a blog and more of an interior news site with a personal touch. I love her updates on the latest happenings on the block as well as styling tips, interviews, renovating and house tours.  My fav is the whole section on kids rooms which is awesome, this pic is going strait to pintrest as inspiration for my daughters room!! 


Emmas DesignBlogg

Think black, think white and very blonde shades of timber.  This Scandinavian site is the oldest and most read design blogg.  Running for nearly 10 years, it was started when Emma was working as a styling assistant at a magazine and needed somewhere to store all of the info on designers, trends and products she came across everyday.  The readership grew and grew and the blog become something completely different. The style of this blog is very minimalist and quite different from what you see in Australian design blogs which is why I love it! It is pure, uncluttered and very Scandinavian! 


Recycled Interiors

Started by interior designer, Mum and serious up-cycler Helen Edwards, this beautiful blog is full of ideas for creating a sustainable home without compromising on style. Helen shares our Bombora philosophy of buy once and buy well for larger items then how to mix in bespoke, vintage, retro and DIY creative pieces to make your home unique and truly you. Recycled interiors has articles on such things as decorating, DIY and up-cycling, healthy people and healthy planet. It is personal, engaging and full of inspiration.  


What is your favorite interior design blog? 


Alison Collins is the Co-Owner of Bombora Custom Furniture and in charge of all things other than making furniture! 


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