Fifteen Trees Update - Sustainability & Eco Responsible Business Practice
For the past six years Bombora Custom Furniture has incorporated a ‘one piece – one tree’ policy as part of our business practice. For every piece of furniture created, Fifteen Trees will plant one tree. These plantings help to reduce the environmental impact of freight and general equipment maintenance associated with running a business.
2021 saw another 100 trees planted for Bombora at Bellarine Peninsula in a protected Ramsar wetland and threatened Coastal Saltmarsh vegetation site. Providing productive habitats for a wide range of species, including migratory shorebirds, plus supporting commercial and recreational fishing, Australia’s mangroves and saltmarshes are ecologically important ecosystems linking the land and sea.
In addition to our 1 piece = 1 tree initiative, the staff from Bombora Custom Furniture spend one day every year assisting our local Landcare branch. Landcare is a joint collaboration between community, government and business to protect and repair our environment…our local branch of dedicated volunteers have been doing fantastic work in regenerating the deep creek, spring creek and Jan Juc creek waterways and assisting with the replacement of weeds throughout the dunes and local parks. You can see the progress of our initial plantings in 2015 below…
2015 Landcare Planting - Torquay Spring Creek
Read more about the Fifteen Trees inititative & ways companies (& individuals) can reduce their carbon footprint here.